Proper Beer Cooling Temperatures

There’s nothing like drinking a cold beer. There’s also nothing like drinking hot beer. It’s just generally not recommended. A beer cooler can ensure that a draft emerges at the best temperature for serving and drinking. Many standard drafts enjoyed by Americans, such as lagers and light beers, need the most chilling. Malt liquor beverages…

How A Store Cooler Impacts Buyer Behavior

Display-based merchandise is oriented toward convenience and value, both factors that drive consumers to make impulse purchases. Display coolers, therefore, have a major influence over how people shop and what they purchase. Learn more about strategic placement and organization that can increase sales from display coolers. According to a Crossmark’s In-store Marketing and Merchandising Assessment,…

The Massive Fridge Mystery

Most of us probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the size of our refrigerators. After all, as long as we haven’t installed a walk-in freezer in our homes, we’re probably doing okay. A trip to virtually any other country in the world raises an interesting question, however. Why are the fridges in…

Mortuary Cooler Tips and Guide

After a death, there’s no room for error with a mortuary cooler. These appliances must provide consistent temperatures without issues of reliability. Coroners, medical labs, funeral homes, hospitals, and nursing homes may have need of this type of cooling unit to temporarily house the remains of patients or individuals. Bereaved family members are likely counting…