Will Your Walk In Cooler Pass Health Inspection? - American Cooler

Will Your Walk In Cooler Pass Health Inspection?

Keeping your walk in cooler or freezer well maintained is important for a number of reasons, one of those being your routine health inspection. Most people are well aware of the advantages of properly maintaining their walk in cooler. Whether it is for energy efficiency, longevity of the unit, or peace of mind, proper maintenance should not be overlooked. However, proper maintenance can save you from a fine and the embarrassment of being cited during your health inspection.

When it comes to the reasons that people might receive a violation for their walk in cooler during their health inspection, the reasons can vary. Many times, the reason will be due to the floor. If the floor is not properly maintained or has any bows or imperfections, it can lead to areas that are virtually impossible to clean. These areas then become a breeding ground for bacteria and other micro organisms. Often times, these areas are found near seams where the floor metal might have curled up or bowed out over time and are a red flag during your health inspection.

Next, make sure that your walk in cooler or freezer is maintaining the correct temperature. Most foods are required to be stored at a certain temperature (check with your local ordinances for these temperatures). Make sure that your refrigeration equipment is operating efficiently and that you fall within these temperature ranges or you will for sure be cited during your health inspection. Keep an eye on your thermometer that you have placed in your walk in cooler or freezer. Make sure that it is reading the correct temperature. If you have a faulty thermometer, you might be under the impression that you’re operating within the desired temperature range when in actuality, you may not be.

Next, make sure that your wall panels are in good shape prior to any health inspection. If you have any seams that are not in good condition, or have any exposed insulation, you will be cited. Insulation of any type has been known to be a popular place for bacteria to be harbored. This goes for ceiling panels as well since they contain insulation.

Many people may be wondering, “what can I do to prevent these things from happening?”. As previously mentioned, routine maintenance is extremely important! If you properly maintain your walk in cooler or walk in freezer as well as your refrigeration equipment, you put yourself in the best possible position to pass your health inspection. You can also put your mind at ease by purchasing a quality unit from the beginning. American Cooler Technologies builds a great product and are NSF approved. Give American Cooler a call today, and let us put you on the right path!

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Contact American Cooler Technologies

Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.