What to Consider In Regards to Walk in Cooler Prices - American Cooler

What to Consider In Regards to Walk in Cooler Prices

Many people feverishly search the internet for the best walk in cooler prices. Everyone is looking to save money whenever possible, especially with the state of our current economy. However, there are many things to consider when looking at walk in cooler prices. The following article will focus on some of the key points to consider when evaluating a walk in cooler’s price.

The first thing to look for is polyurethane insulation. Polyurethane insulation provides a very strong R-value while also being very sturdy. Many companies will try to push extruded polystyrene on their customers which is basically a foam board that you can get from just about any supply house.

Next, look for a wood frame construction when looking at walk in cooler prices. Wood frame construction provides excellent support on all four sides of your panels. If you’re using hand carts or forklifts, contact will be inevitably be made with your panels at some point. Wood frame construction will give you the peace of mind of knowing that even when this contact occurs, your panels will not break and be leaking cold air. This can not be said about boxes that are “all foam”.

When comparing walk in cooler prices, you cannot forget to factor in the warranty. If you’re new walk in cooler or freezer is extremely cheap compared to other companies, that may be due to the fact that it’s not backed up by a solid warranty. If this is the case, you will be stuck paying for any repairs that need to be made. These repairs can get expensive in a hurry. Do yourself a favor and ask the supplier about the warranty. American Cooler Technologies provides an outstanding 10 year warranty on our panels!

As you can see, their are many things to consider when figuring out who is providing the best deal. Walk in cooler prices can vary greatly from one company to the next. What is important is making sure you’re comparing apples to apples. Give American Cooler Technologies a call today for a free quote. Our knowledgeable sales team will be more than happy to assist you and help answer any questions you may have!

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Contact American Cooler Technologies

Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.