What To Consider For Walk In Cooler Repair - American Cooler

What To Consider For Walk In Cooler Repair

It’s that time of the year again. The leaves are changing, the weather is cooling off and the ground is soon to be covered in that white fluffy stuff (unless you’re lucky enough to live somewhere warm). Fall is upon us with winter fast approaching. This time of year people are planning on doing the routine things to prepare whether is be vehicle maintenance, furnace tune ups, etc. However, anyone who owns a walk in cooler should be doing any walk in cooler repair that is evident.

Walk in cooler repair can amount to small tasks. Some of these tasks include replacing any parts that might no longer be fully functional, such as hinges, latches, strikes, gaskets etc. These small and relatively inexpensive parts can quickly drain your wallet if not properly functioning. The reason is simple, once these parts fail you will quickly start to lose cold air and efficiency. Once this happens, your condensing unit will run longer than it should, in turn leading to more power consumption. When planning any walk in cooler repair, keep the aforementioned parts in mind and give them a thorough inspection to check for any damages.

The next thing to consider when planning your walk in cooler repair schedule should be the refrigeration system. This includes your condensing unit and coils. Visual inspect these components to insure they are in good visible condition. It is recommended to have your unit inspected by a professional at regular intervals to insure proper function.

Lastly, give your walk in cooler a good visual inspection. Walk around it and visually check for any cracks or punctures. If any are found, repair them promptly. Any small holes or cracks (although rare in a wood framed box) can lead to lost air, which as previously discussed can cause you a great deal of money in lost efficiency.

These are just some tips to help you make sure that your walk in cooler or freezer is in great shape. If you routinely maintain your box and do any necessary walk in cooler repairs, you’re box should last for a very long time. If you find yourself needing any replacement parts, give American Cooler a call. We carry a full line of replacement parts and would be more than happy to help you find what you’re looking for!

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Contact American Cooler Technologies

Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.