Walk-In Coolers Are Not Just for Food Storage - American Cooler

Walk-In Coolers Are Not Just for Food Storage

When most people think of a walk-in cooler, they imagine the large freezers at restaurants that store the food and ingredients for their dinner entrees. However, there are plenty of other applications for walk-in coolers.

Mortuary Coolers

Funeral homes, medical labs, and coroners’ offices must have high-quality equipment available because their work is delicate. They use coolers for more than just storing bodies; they require smaller coolers to store chemicals and other supplies necessary for day-to-day work.

Floral Coolers

Florists need to keep their plants and flowers cool in order to keep them alive and healthy. Most floral shops have a floral cooler with completed bouquets and arrangements on display.

Hunting Coolers

Meat and game lockers are necessary for serious hunters who want to cool, hang, and age their game meat quickly like professional butchers. Game lockers keep meat fresh and cool, and they offer overhead rail systems with hooks to hold the meat.

Warehouse Coolers

Many companies utilize walk-in coolers for non-food applications, like when they need to store items that are sensitive to the heat. These coolers are available in a variety of sizes and styles to accommodate companies’ personnel and equipment.

Medical Coolers

Hospitals, pharmacies, and doctors’ offices use medical coolers to store a number of items, from temperature-sensitive medications to human organs. These items could be life-saving to patients, so it’s vital that hospitals and pharmacies have the highest quality cooling equipment available.

Science Coolers

Similar to medical uses, scientists utilize coolers to store important chemicals and other items that are sensitive to temperature changes.

Walk-in coolers are multifunctional and utilized by businesses in industries across the board, keeping everything from game meat to human organs intact.

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Contact American Cooler Technologies

Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.