Using an Evaporator Fan Less Often Can Be Risky - American Cooler

Using an Evaporator Fan Less Often Can Be Risky

In the operation of walk-in coolers and freezers, evaporator fans generally operate 24/7/365. These fans can be significant sources of energy consumption. It may even seem counterproductive to run them all the time because they actually generate heat as they function. Many business owners try to reduce the operation time of evaporator fans to cut costs. However, this may not be a good practice in the long term.

The cooling coils of walk-in coolers and freezers need constant airflow across the coils to ensure that they continue to work correctly. If airflow stops or slows, evaporation of the refrigerant in the system may suddenly become incomplete. This interruption could cause significant damage to the compressor. When the evaporator fan does work, it will likely have to work harder to achieve the same level of evaporation.

These fans work to keep the temperatures of the air inside the cooler even with the air around the cooling coils. If the air suddenly stops moving efficiently, the coils may become colder than the ambient air temperature of the cooler. This will create harmful condensation, which will turn to ice. As ice builds, coils will become frozen, which can cause major damage to the system.

Air movement in walk-in coolers and freezers is important. Without fans moving the air, warm pockets can develop. These areas can be dangerous because they may lead to food safety and quality issues.

Businesses might explore special fan controls that can help save energy without compromising product safety and quality. Done correctly, these controls can save both energy and money. Although evaporator fans use energy on a continual basis, they are an integral part of effective cooling and freezing. By running them in ongoing fashion, business owners can have the peace of mind of knowing that they are keeping products cold or frozen without problems.

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