Trying to Improve Energy Efficiency in Your Walk In Cooler? - American Cooler

Trying to Improve Energy Efficiency in Your Walk In Cooler?

Every day convenience store owners are looking to save money, one of the easiest ways to save money is through improving energy efficiency. When it comes to achieving this in regards to walk in coolers or freezers, many steps can be taken. The following article will go on to give examples of ways to improve energy efficiency in your walk in cooler or freezer.

The easiest way to improve your energy efficiency is making sure you have a walk in cooler or freezer built using polyurethane insulation. Polyurethane insulation offers a very high R-value while also being very durable. Durability should not be overlooked when it comes to insulation. After all, if your walk in cooler or freezer has cracks or gaps due to low quality insulation, it will be leaking cold air and severely decreasing your energy efficiency.

Next, make sure that your walk in cooler or freezer is equipped with a high quality door. A well built door is your first step to improving energy efficiency. If your door is made from inferior components or sub-par craftsmanship, it will hemorrhage cold air. Even if you have a high quality door, it is still a great idea to visually inspect it periodically to look for signs of wear or damage. Promptly replace any parts that appear broken or worn, this includes gaskets, latches, strikes, hinges.

Another step that can be taken to improve energy efficiency is to buy energy efficient equipment. This might seem very obvious but it is often overlooked. LED lighting is available from almost all glass cooler door manufacturers and is a great way to improve energy efficiency. Not only is LED lighting very cost effective to run, it also emits little to no heat, and provides great display lighting for your products. Next, purchase three phase refrigeration equipment if possible. If you are wired for three phase, it will be cheaper to run versus single phase in the long run.

As one can see, there are several steps that can be taken to improve energy efficiency. Some of these steps should be taken when purchasing your walk in cooler or freezer but many can be done after the fact. With a little planning and research, a person can save a large amount of money over the lifespan of their unit!

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Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.