Tips for Freezer Door Seal Repairs - American Cooler

Tips for Freezer Door Seal Repairs

The doors of walk-in freezers are a crucial point in the equipment, keeping warm air out and cold air in the unit. At first glance, everything may seem to be working correctly. However, if an issue exists with the seal, serious problems can ensue. Over time and with use, a door seal can begin to wear out. The careful business owner will watch for signs of wear to remedy this situation as quickly as possible.

Purpose of the Seal

The main reason for a tight seal is to prevent the exchange of air between the inside and the outside of the unit. In addition to air exchange, however, the seal also prevents moisture from entering the unit. If moisture levels grow in walk-in freezers, ice could begin to build up on the equipment and the foods inside.


To determine whether repair or replacement is necessary, the business owner should perform a careful inspection of the entire door area. Visually examine the gasket around the entire opening to notice any cracks, holes, or leaks. Insert a piece of paper so it will extend out from the door, positioning it between the gasket and the frame. Close the door tightly, and perform the paper test. Tug on the paper firmly. If the paper slides out easily, a leak is occurring. If the paper remains in place, the seal is tight. Repeat the paper test around the entire perimeter of the gasket.


Sometimes dirt and debris can interfere with doors of walk-in freezers. Employees can use a nylon brush and sudsy water to clean out the crevices of the gasket.

Rejuvenating the Seal

Over time, the surface of the gasket that touches the frame can lose its adhesiveness. It’s possible to repair this contact with petroleum jelly. A thin layer of petroleum jelly over the flat surface of the gasket should resolve a minor problem. This repair can be especially effective in areas where a gap is just beginning to occur.

If these repair methods do not work, business owners should contact a professional to investigate their walk-in freezers.

Special thanks to Myrmi for the image.

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Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.