The Importance of Strip Curtains in Your Walk In Cooler - American Cooler

The Importance of Strip Curtains in Your Walk In Cooler

As energy prices continue to rise seemingly day by day, people are always looking for ways to cut energy costs. If you own a walk in cooler or freezer, strip curtains can be a quick and relatively inexpensive option that will greatly reduce the amount of energy needed to cool your unit due to decreasing the amount of cold air lost while having the door open.

Strip curtains can be purchased for both walk in coolers and walk in freezers. Strip curtains for walk in coolers are referred to as “normal temp” while strip curtains for walk in freezers are referred to as “low temp”. As previously stated, the purpose of strip curtains is to significantly decrease the amount of cold air lost while the door of the walk in cooler or walk in freezer’s door is open. These clear strips of vinyl overlap the entire length of your door opening and do an excellent job of not letting cold air escape.

Think for a second about driving your car on a warm summer day, your air conditioning is running and your car is a nice cool temperature on the inside. You stop to get gas and the minute you open your door, the entire cabin area heats up and it’s like you were never running your air conditioning in the first place. This is a similar situation with your walk in cooler or freezer. You’re allowing room temperature air to invade your cold walk in cooler or freezer and significantly hinder its performance. This is where strip curtains become important, especially on a unit that sees a lot of foot traffic.

If you’re in the market for a new custom built walk in cooler or freezer, or perhaps just a strip curtain, give American Cooler Technologies a call. We would be more than happy to assist you on your next project. Thanks for reading and check back next week for a new blog post.

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Contact American Cooler Technologies

Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.