With the start of hunting season, hunters become very serious about protecting the game they bring in from the woods and fields. Improper storage could result in disaster, as fresh meat quickly goes rancid and becomes inedible. To ensure that the game they work so hard to procure remains fresh, hunters can use a walk-in cooler for game storage.
A game or meat locker is a special type of unit designed to keep meat cold. Different sizes are available to provide just the space needed to accommodate the animals. An overhead rail system is also included, featuring hooks suspended from reinforced ceilings. This ensures adequate strength to support the weight of deer or other animals. It’s also possible to add shelving within a walk-in cooler for additional organization and storage. Hunters will never question or wonder about their inventory again with everything stored neatly and within easy view.
These coolers come standard with a hefty four inches of insulation to help preserve the refrigeration system and keep it operating efficiently. The self-contained model installs simply on a concrete pad, requiring two people and about two hours to complete the work. Once installed, the system will keep any kind of game meat at the precise temperature necessary to preserve it for processing, and a lock on the door will keep the contents inside safe and secure.
Storing perishable meat correctly is no small matter, especially for hunters who have worked hard to secure their game. A walk-in cooler can ensure that the fruits of this labor stay fresh.