New VS Used Walk In Freezers - American Cooler

New VS Used Walk In Freezers

Many people who are considering purchasing a walk in freezer look to used walk in freezers to fill their needs. After all, a used walk in freezer will save you money right? The answer to that question may surprise you. The following article will go on to explain why a used walk in freezer may not be such a great deal in the long run.

Most people who are looking for a used walk in freezer do so because they want to save money. However, rarely do they consider that this used unit may in fact cost them more than a new unit. When you purchase a new walk in freezer from a quality company like American Cooler Technologies, you’re buying a unit that is built to last. Not only is the unit well built, but it also comes with a 10 year panel warranty. When you purchase used, you’re not receiving a warranty and anything that goes wrong must be paid out of your own pocket. Next, consider that the person who is selling you the used unit might be doing so because they are trying to pass their unwanted problem on to someone else. Any damage that has occurred to the used walk in freezer over time will cost you in energy consumption. Even a tiny hole in your used walk in freezer can lead to a great deal of energy loss. Buying a used walk in freezer is like buying a used car, you must be VERY careful of your purchase to avoid buying problem off of someone else.

Next, consider the refrigeration aspect. Your used walk in freezer will need a refrigeration system. Will you be buying a used refrigeration system as well or will your used walk in freezer need a new unit? If you’re buying a used refrigeration system, you again will be faced with not having a warranty and having to pay expenses out of your own pocket. If you’re buying a new system, you will most likely be paying top dollar for this equipment. When you purchase a new walk in freezer along with a new refrigeration system, companies like American Cooler offer good prices on package deals. Therefore you save a good deal of money by buying your walk in freezer and refrigeration at the same time.

The cost of a brand new walk in freezer might not be as expensive as you think. Give American Cooler Technologies a call today and ask our friendly sales team about getting a free quote. You might be surprised at how much you stand to gain by buying a new unit!

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Contact American Cooler Technologies

Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.