Need Help With Walk In Cooler Installation? - American Cooler

Need Help With Walk In Cooler Installation?

Walk in cooler installation can seem like a real daunting task, but don’t let it be! Walk in cooler installation is actually a very easy process. The following article will explain some simple things to keep in mind before you begin the install.

Most walk in coolers today use a cam lock system. This system is very advantageous to the installer. It allows for very easy assembly and disassembly of the cooler. When installing a walk in cooler, specifically from American Cooler Technologies, you will simply slide two panels together using our tongue and groove system. Once the panels are slid together, you will insert the provided allen wrench into the cam lock hole, and turn the allen wrench until you feel the panels draw tight (between a quarter and a half turn). Once this is done, you will proceed on to the remaining panels. Ceiling panels are typically lag down, however, if you’re working in a tight space or just want the convenience of the cam locks American Cooler Technologies offers a cam down ceiling as well!

There are different variations of how the walk in cooler installation can take place. For example, a floorless cooler or freezer will have what is called “screed” to insert the panels in. This screed acts as a mould to hold the panels in place and is essentially nothing more than a plastic track. Some coolers and most freezers will be sold with an insulated floor. If this is the case, you will not be using screed but instead will be joining your panels to the floor. If you visit American Cooler Technologies homepage, there are actually installation instructions regarding screed (floorless units) and units with an insulated floor. These instruction guides are very informative and highly detailed and will help immensely with your walk in cooler installation.

Many people might be concerned about the weight of the panels. Most cooler panels weigh in the neighborhood of 90 pounds if they are standard 46″ x 96″ panels. If you have an extra person available to help you, most coolers can be put together relatively easily with two able bodied people. As you can see, walk in cooler installation isn’t something to be feared. In fact, it can be an enjoyable and educational experience if you’ve never done it before. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding walk in cooler installation, check out our homepage for the walk in cooler installation guides or give us a call. Our friendly staff at American Cooler Technologies is always more than willing to help whenever we can. Give us a call today for all of your walk in cooler and freezer needs!

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Contact American Cooler Technologies

Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.