Looking at building a walk in cooler? - American Cooler

Looking at building a walk in cooler?

If you’re looking for information on building a walk in cooler, you can stop reading this article right now. Building a walk in cooler is not something that is anywhere near as easy as it looks. This article will go in to detail on why building a walk in cooler can be a very big mistake unless you really understand what you’re doing.

Many people are out to save money, after all who can blame them with the state of our economy. This leads people who may be interested in acquiring a walk in cooler to pursue building one themselves. What people may not realize is how much money they stand to LOSE if the cooler isn’t built properly. Building a walk in cooler involves many steps and parts, it’s not done by simply nailing plywood together and filling it full of insulation. You have to consider that you need the correct gaskets to make the unit seal, you need a way to join your panels together (cam locks for example), you need a proper insulated door, hinges, latch and strike, door closer, the list goes on and on. If you’re panels aren’t properly sealed, then you are going to be leaking cold air. Once you’re leaking cold air, you are leaking money!

If the above paragraph wasn’t enough to make you entertain the thought of purchasing from a reputable company instead of building a walk in cooler, than consider the following. Most walk in cooler companies have special terms set up with refrigeration suppliers. This allows them to provide you refrigeration at a highly discounted rate. The cost you pay for your refrigeration alone could very well be more expensive than purchasing a cooler AND refrigeration from a walk in cooler manufacturer. Also, consider that many walk in cooler manufacturers provide their customers with exceptional warranties on their coolers (American Cooler provides a 10 year warranty for example). If you decide to build a walk in cooler, who is going to fix it when something goes bad? The answer is you, and the money is going to come out of your own pocket.

If your goal is to save money, building a walk in cooler on your own is not the avenue to do so. Building a walk in cooler is something that should be left to the professionals who do this for a living. If you’re interested in purchasing a walk in cooler or freezer, let American Cooler assist you and provide you with a free quote. You may be surprised at how much you will actually save!

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Contact American Cooler Technologies

Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.