Keep Your Walk-In Cooler from Freezing Your Assets - American Cooler

Keep Your Walk-In Cooler from Freezing Your Assets

When it comes to a walk-in cooler, poor temperature control is the main reason your money walks out of your wallet. Temperature control problems occur when your device is either too cold or too warm. Each situation has its set of headaches that cost you time and money.

Too Warm

When a unit is too warm (about 40F or higher), you have to run the refrigeration cycle continuously. Pumping all that energy into the cooling fans is expensive. Some poorly calibrated units can cost owners over two-hundred dollars a month. Not to mention, you run the risk of food spoiling.

Too Cold

When a walk-in cooler is too cold (under 35F or so), you have to defrost the machine at least once a day. This process uses up more energy for which you must pay. Plus, you run the risk of freezing food items that shouldn’t be frozen, such as dairy.


A smart thermostat is a simple solution to avoid the constant dance between refrigerating and defrosting. These thermostats regulate the temperature in your refrigerator to orchestrate bursts of refrigeration that bring down the temperature when it gets too high. However, they won’t run continuously so you do not have to worry about it getting too cold. You won’t have to defrost because nothing will freeze, and you won’t have to throw anything out because it will not spoil. You can stay right in that 35F to 38F window.

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Contact American Cooler Technologies

Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.