July 2012 Newsletter! - American Cooler

July 2012 Newsletter!

The Heat is Here!

If you’re in the market for a walk in cooler or freezer, look no further than American Cooler Technologies. We are a full custom manufacturer and we pride ourselves on manufacturing exactly what our customers are looking for.

With cooling season upon us, and the heavy heatwaves hitting all across the country, many of you have already received a quote from us. If you’re looking to place an order, keep in mind that there will be paperwork involved such as an approval drawing, terms of sale, payment paperwork etc. It’s very important that you get this paperwork back to us as soon as possible so that we can promptly get you on the schedule and keep you at your previously discussed lead time.

Do You Need Anti-Condensate Heaters On Your Glass Doors?

Many people often wonder if anti-condensate heaters are necessary on their glass doors. The answer can vary greatly depending on your location. If you live in a hot, humid environment such as Florida, than anti-condensate heaters are a must. However, if you live in a northern climate where it remains cooler and with less humidity, they may not be necessary, especially if you have your cooler in an air conditioned building.

Speaking of air conditioning, if you have a walk in cooler with non-heated glass doors, it’s very important that you run your air conditioning in the hot summer months to keep your doors from fogging. Turning your air conditioning off at night can lead to foggy doors in the morning, which will take time to de-fog as you turn your air conditioning back on and wait for the room to cool down.

Want to Save $50.00 on your Next Walk In Cooler or Freezer?

If you’re interested in purchasing a high quality, long lasting walk in cooler or freezer from American Cooler Technologies, your current great deal just got better. If you call to place an order, just mention this newsletter and we’ll automatically deduct $50.00 from your current price. There is not catch, it really is that easy, but you must ask for it!

If you’re interested in placing an order, contact American Cooler Technologies today. Our friendly sales team will be happy to help you out with any questions or concerns you may have along the way. If you purchase from American Cooler Technologies, you can rest easy knowing you’re getting a great unit at a great price, and that you’ll also receive outstanding customer service and support!

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Contact American Cooler Technologies

Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.