How A Store Cooler Impacts Buyer Behavior - American Cooler

How A Store Cooler Impacts Buyer Behavior

Display-based merchandise is oriented toward convenience and value, both factors that drive consumers to make impulse purchases. Display coolers, therefore, have a major influence over how people shop and what they purchase. Learn more about strategic placement and organization that can increase sales from display coolers.

According to a Crossmark’s In-store Marketing and Merchandising Assessment, snack and meal solutions make up 43 percent of marketing displays in supermarkets, as well as drug, club, and dollar stores. This type of marketing is geared heavily towards convenience and is likely to attract a hungry or hurried shopper.

Display coolers are incredibly effective at attracting these impulse purchases, because they are easily accessible, offer eye-grabbing displays, and are often strategically placed in a store’s impulse zone. An impulse zone is the area immediately surrounding the registers, which is why display coolers filled with refreshing beverages or ice creams are often placed there. Contents inside display coolers are also often chosen to appeal to a shopper’s sense of novelty. Seasonal items or special promotional items are often housed in these coolers to attract the attention of customers.

A little thought to placement and design should get consumers grabbing for cold items with more frequency.

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