Economic Growth Drives New Opportunities for Commercial Refrigeration Systems in Asian Countries - American Cooler

Economic Growth Drives New Opportunities for Commercial Refrigeration Systems in Asian Countries

Selling a walk-in cooler is not easy in today’s tight market. Competition is stiff in the U.S. and much of Europe, and customers’ expectations are high. Although sales growth has been slow on U.S. soil, new markets are opening up. Industrialization is spreading to new markets such as China, Indonesia, Thailand, and other Asian countries. What does the growing demand for commercial refrigeration systems in Asian countries mean to American manufacturers?

Increased Sales

With the new markets, there are opportunities for expansion. Sales in China remain particularly strong, especially with the growth in personal income. With higher income levels, more individuals are starting and expanding businesses, creating opportunities for sales of commercial refrigeration equipment, add-ons, and accessories. A new restaurant needs a walk-in cooler, as does a small grocery store or any other food market. Medical technology is also strong, meaning refrigeration will be needed as medications are developed and distributed to a wider demographic.

Long-term Customers

Attention to quality will determine the future of companies in these markets. While less educated consumers may be persuaded into purchasing at a lower price, they’ll soon discover which companies deal fairly and deliver high-quality commercial refrigeration systems. A walk-in cooler manufactured with a driven wood frame for additional strength will provide a new customer with years of service, increasing the chances they’ll remain loyal. Education in areas like avoiding mold growth in coolers and other topics of interest to consumers will also build brand loyalty.

As the global market increases, savvy companies will keep pace with the demands of new and existing customers alike. Quality and customer service will remain important, as will service after the sale. Direct sales that don’t rely upon a middleman will save consumers money and increase loyalty and confidence in brands that expand to fill the demand.

Thanks to Hector Garcia on flickr for the image used in this post.

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Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.