Do You Need Anti Condensation Heaters in Your Glass Doors? - American Cooler

Do You Need Anti Condensation Heaters in Your Glass Doors?

If you have a walk in cooler with glass doors, you may be wondering if you need anti condensation heaters in your doors. The answer to this question can vary greatly depending on many factors. The following article will go on to highlight these important factors.

Anti condensate heaters are often needed in areas that have high relative humidity. These types of areas include states like Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, just to name a few. Anti condensate heaters are almost always recommended in these areas due to humidity levels alone.

You might be thinking “well, if I don’t live in these areas, than I don’t need anti condensate heaters in my doors”. This is not always the case. If you have a cooler in a building that is not air conditioned, you can have condensation issues during the summer months. If you do not have an air conditioning system in your building, or if you have one but don’t often run it, than anti condensation heaters are strongly recommended.

Next, lets examine how product can affect whether or not you need anti condensation heaters. If you’re putting warm product into your cooler, condensation will form without question. This often happens with people in restaurants or bakeries that might be placing warm food into their walk in coolers. If this applies to you, than anti condensation heaters are going to be necessary if you’re going to have glass doors.

Now, on the other hand. If you live in an area that isn’t vary humid, you run your air conditioning system frequently and maintain a comfortable temperature inside your building, and aren’t placing warm product in your cooler than you’re probably fine with non-heated glass doors. This will save you some money on your initial purchase.

If you’re looking for information on walk in coolers or freezers, give American Cooler Technologies a call. We would be happy to assist you on your next project. As always, thank you for reading and check back next week for an updated blog and walk in cooler news.

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Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.