Are You In The Market For Walk In Cooler Shelving? - American Cooler

Are You In The Market For Walk In Cooler Shelving?

Walk in cooler shelving can be a very important component to your walk in cooler. If you have a walk in display cooler, it is absolutely critical that your products are displayed in an organized and professional manner. This is where walk in cooler shelving comes in to play. However, there are a few things to consider when it comes to choosing the correct walk in cooler shelving setup.

If you’re looking for replacement walk in cooler shelving for your glass doors, the most important thing to consider is choosing the corresponding brand. Each glass door manufacturer has their own specific walk in cooler shelving. It is absolutely crucial that you replace your existing walk in cooler shelving with the same brand, don’t simply rely on dimensions. Any information that you might have from your original order will be helpful as well, such as work order numbers. This will help make certain that the correct walk in cooler shelving is purchased.

Next, make certain that you choose the correct finish. Many people entertain the thought of purchasing black walk in cooler shelving. Black is nice in that it helps hide scratches and wear, however it makes it appear very dark inside of your walk in cooler. Most people come to the realization that white finish is a great choice on their walk in cooler shelving. White is a great choice because it makes the inside of your display cooler appear very bright. This comes in handy because it really does a great job of showing off your products, and makes them really stand out.

Walk in cooler shelving is not strictly limited to shelving that exists behind glass display doors. Walk in cooler shelving can also be purchased for storage purposes inside of your cooler. This application usually leads to a rack system being purchased. Look for shelving with a durable finish such as epoxy. This will prevent your walk in cooler shelving from wearing too quickly while also providing a non slick surface.

If you’re in the market for walk in cooler shelving or just have some general questions, please give American Cooler Technologies a call. We can provide you with a wide range of walk in cooler shelving units and help answer any questions you might have. We offer free quotes and our friendly sales team will be more than happy to assist you on your next project!

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Contact American Cooler Technologies

Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.