American Cooler Technologies and Online Social Media - American Cooler

American Cooler Technologies and Online Social Media

At American Cooler Technologies, we strive to bring you the most up to date and relevant walk in cooler/freezer information. This is why we have taken the next step and incorporated online social media into our business. We feel that online social media allows for us to not only bring you up to date walk in cooler and freezer news, but allows for up to date information on special offers and promotions as well.

American Cooler Technologies has decided to incorporate Twitter, Linked In, Facebook, and YouTube into our collection of online social media avenues. We will continue to update and build upon these pages throughout the year. We feel that these online social media pages will allow us to not only promote business, but will help our customers keep in touch with us in a convenient manner as well. After all, a large percentage of our population belongs to at least one online social media site. We feel that because of this, our pages will be an easy way for our customers to check-in on anything American Cooler Technologies related.

At American Cooler Technologies, it’s important for us that our customers get a good sense and feel for who we are as a company. This is another reason that we have created these online social media pages. These pages can be used as a direct method to showcase who we are and what we strive for, which is a company that brings our customers a high quality product at an affordable price. We plan to include content on these pages that will showcase exactly that!

We are very excited to bring you these online social media pages, and we hope that you will take the time to use them. As of right now, all of our pages can be linked to by clicking on our social media icons in the top left corner of our homepage. We look forward to filling them with exciting content throughout the year and are looking forward to you being a part of it!

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Contact American Cooler Technologies

Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.