5 Factors To Consider When Purchasing Your New Walk-In Freezer - American Cooler

5 Factors To Consider When Purchasing Your New Walk-In Freezer

When your business needs reliable frozen storage, you need to look into a quality walk-in freezer. There is a surprising range of options available, and the decision can be a tricky one. You are making a major, long-term purchase, and you need to be confident you’ve made the right decision. With that in mind, here are a few key factors to consider when beginning your investigation.

1. Size.

Consider the needs of your business and be sure to purchase a walk-in freezer whose size most closely matches your needs.

2. Traffic.

Think about how much traffic you’ll have on an average day. If people will be coming in and out regularly, you may want to consider a model with an auto-closer to prevent the door from being left open.

3. Products.

What exactly will you be storing? Will you be bringing in large quantities of products at a time? If so, you should look into something with a strip curtain to prevent temperature loss, as well as a ramp to simplify the loading and unloading process.

4. Ratings.

It is important to understand the ratings of the insulation that lines your walk-in freezer. Insulation is measured by the “R-value,” which simply means that the higher the number after “R-,” the better the insulation. The minimum requirement on a freezer is R-32. Higher levels of insulation will reduce the amount of energy required to keep your items frozen, thereby significantly reducing your utility costs.

5. Flooring.

If you are installing the unit on a wood floor, you’ll need to get a system with an insulated floor. Otherwise, condensation will build up over time and rot the wood floor out.

Armed with the knowledge you need to make an informed buying decision, contact your local walk-in freezer distributor today.

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Contact American Cooler Technologies

Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.