3 Simple Tips for Staying Safe in Your Walk-in Cooler - American Cooler

3 Simple Tips for Staying Safe in Your Walk-in Cooler

For businesses that need to keep large inventories cold, a walk-in cooler is a miracle invention. But if you have one of these nifty installations, there are some basic safety precautions you need to take to keep yourself and your employees safe.

1. Stay Dry

Refrigerated rooms pose one very slippery problem: ice and frost buildup. Make sure your staff is vigilant in mopping up spills, clearing away frost, and sopping up condensation. Invest in a floor squeegee and use it daily in order to steer excess moisture into drains. Keeping things dry will ensure that no one takes a bad spill during the hustle and bustle of daily operation.

2. Inspection, Cleaning, and Maintenance

Routinely inspect your walk-in cooler. Make sure fans and vents are clear of dust or other buildup. Clean and inspect drains, and make sure all doors and latches are functioning properly. Repair trouble spots immediately. The last thing anyone wants is to get trapped inside a stainless steel tundra, but make sure emergency devices – such as a fireman’s axe – are in place, just in case things go awry.

3. Take Care of Those Chilly Employees

Provide jackets for employees who spend time working in the walk-in cooler or freezer. Organize your inventory smartly so that workers can move around and access materials without straining themselves. Keep a stepladder handy so that employees don’t resort to building makeshift ladders to access high places. Above all, communicate with each other. Make sure employees know to inform someone before spending extended periods in the cooler, and encourage them to ask for all the help they need to lift and move items.

Staying vigilant about cooler safety will help your team work efficiently and avoid injuries – even though you may still get a bit chilly in the process.


Thank you to Tom Mascardo for the photo.

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Call American Cooler Technologies today at 269-674-8144 for more details and to receive a no-obligation, hassle-free quote for a walk-in cooler for your business.